Click on the buttons below for an overview of each activity:
Pack 87 meets weekly (excluding certain holidays and school breaks). We meet on the back patio of the MV Buddhist Temple. Currently, the majority of meetings are all-pack. At meetings, the cubs work on advancements and skills such as knot tying and knife safety, plus: crafts, woodworking, leatherworking, pumpkin carving... 'Cubs Cook' is a regular feature. TUESDAY MEETING TIME: Every Tuesday starting at 7:00pm, ending between 8:00 and 8:30pm. back to top |
Awards and Advancements The pack holds an awards ceremony once a month, or quarterly depending on what the cubs have accomplished. Advancements in cub scouting are earned and go by grade/age. Cubs are promoted to the next level in early Fall. New scouts may join at any time and earn the Bobcat badge and the appropriate cub rank badges. Awards are earned both with the pack and outside of scouts with the family. See the Links page for more information on Cub Scout awards. The traditional BLUE AND GOLD dinner is held every February to celebrate the 'Birthday' of Cub Scouting. Pack 87 holds a fun-filled evening: folk-singers and snake handlers have been some of the special fun! back to top |
Cub Scout Camps Pack 87 regularly participates in Cub Parent Weekend camping events and encourages families to check out the many exciting council-led camping opportunities-- weekend campouts, Spring-break and Summer day camps are regularly offered along with overnight Summer camp for Webelos. See the Camps page for more details. back to top |
Pinewood Derby Every March, Pack 87 scouts spend several meetings building super cool mini-derby cars and then the race is on! The fastest car down the special derby track wins! Overall winners (by rank) go to the big all-council race! Always one of the most popular cub activities!! For information on cars, rules and more, check out the official BSA website Pinewood Derby. back to top |
Temple/Community Events Pack 87 is chartered by the Mt. View Buddhist Temple. We are privileged members of the Temple community and are invited to participate in their cultural and fund-raising events. One favorite is the yearly Holiday Dinner held by the Fuji Club the night before the traditional making of Mochitsuki. All Temple scouts gather for a special December Turkey dinner. ![]() Webelos (4th and 5th grade scouts) are encouraged to volunteer for Troop 87's Temple service projects involving such things as table set-up, food prep, food distribution (Chicken Teriyaki sales), flag ceremonies, etc. This is a great way to ease into the routine of 'service hours' that are both part of Boy Scouting and many high school programs. The Pack also participates in Mt. View community events such as the annual Spring Family Parade, and various flag ceremonies (Little League, 911 Commemoration...) back to top |