Dues and Donations
Pack dues are collected each September. Currently, the Pack requests $75 per
family to cover our scout's BSA registration costs,
Boy's Life subscriptions, re-chartering costs, crafts, events and, of course,....patches and awards! For proper recordkeeping, kindly, remit dues directly to our adult leadership at any Pack meeting.
Scouting is always open to all, regardless of ability to pay.
Donate to Pack 87
Cub Scout Pack 87 accepts direct donations from the community. Your generous support will help fund the week to week activities of our Pack. To donate, please mail a check payable to "Pack 87 - Boy Scouts of America" to our Charter Organization:
Attention: Jeff Sato
Cub Scout Pack 87
c/o Mt. View Buddhist Temple
575 N. Shoreline Blvd.
Mt. View, CA 94043
Thank you!